Albino Zilla Magic Mushrooms Delivery


Albino Zilla Magic Mushrooms Delivery in NJ at Njweedman’s joint

Transkei Magic Mushrooms Delivery NJ

Albino Zilla Magic Mushrooms Delivery is a relatively newer variety of p. cubensis. It was hybridized using Albino A+ and Great White Monster, both leucistic magic mushroom varieties. (Leucism differs from true albinism – leucistic mushrooms can still produce some pigment with light exposure, whereas albino mushrooms cannot.) Albino Zilla is often cultivated in the absence of light to give it the desirable milky white colour, as seen in this harvest. The long robust stipe carries a proportionally smaller concave cap, with blue bruising visible throughout the fruit, including the gills. Above average in potency, this batch tested at 1.5 total tryptamine in our Psilo-Q test, making it a suitable choice for both novice and experienced users.

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